
16 - April - 2019

A proud moment for Vidya: Infosys offers placements for 20 students

A proud moment for Vidya: Infosys offers placements for 20 students

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

It was a proud moment for Vidya when the names of 20 of its students were found in the list of students selected for placement in Infosys after the recent pooled ...

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Vidya's "b-Hue Alumni" scale greater heights

Vidya's "b-Hue Alumni" scale greater heights

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

* The Kerala Start-up Mission (KSUM) has sanctioned an amount of Rs. 2.5 lakhs as "productization grant" to a team of Vidya's alumni Aftab Ashraf A V, Aishwarya...

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ADVIKA 2019 results published

ADVIKA 2019 results published

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

The Conveners of the Student Senate of Vidya Prof P S Abhilasha (Asso Prof, CE Dept) and Prof N P Rajesh (Asso Prof, ME Dept) have officially published the consolidated list of the winners of the various competitions ...

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Vidya's Scholarship Distribution Function: Date finalised

Vidya's Scholarship Distribution Function: Date finalised

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

Vidya considers the Scholarship Distribution Function as an important and solemn event conducted every year. It is an event which has special significance in the calendar of events of Vidya for every year...

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A brand new add-on course from MCA Dept

A brand new add-on course from MCA Dept

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

The MCA Dept of the College has started offering a new add-on course titled "Web Hosting Management". The idea of the course was conceived in the Dept and the  …

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College hostelers etch their imaginations in an e-magazine

College hostelers etch their imaginations in an e-magazine

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

They have named it INVICTO a spanish word meaning invincible, undefeated or unbeaten: a magazine portraying all the creativity and literary skills of the hostel residents...

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PE Dept alumna to join Purdue University for higher studies

PE Dept alumna to join Purdue University for higher studies

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

Ms Fayha Abdul Kareem (B Tech in Production Engineering in the 2016 pass-out batch) has got an admit  card to join the prestigious Purdue University...

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